F.726 pipone Digital manometer for quick pressure control of boiler... Range: 0-10 bar - Resolution: 0,05 bar - Power supply:...
E.053 pipone Open expansion vessle, composed of a 30lt tank in... Complete with lid and wall fixing brackets. dimensions :...
E.045 pipone 3-piece fitting 3/4" M.- F. with built-in isolation valve... Allows for the checking and replacement of the vessel...
D.026 pipone Cylindrical expansion vessel 24 lt with interchangeable... Conform to European standards PED 97/23/CE. Max. pressure...
D.035 pipone Stainless steel water hammer vessel. Reduces water hammer caused by sudden closure of cocks...
D.038 pipone Multifunctional high pressure expansion vessel with... Conform to european standards PED 97/23/CE Max pressure...
D.036 pipone Multifunctional expansion vessel with interchangeable... Conform to european standards PED 97/23/ce Max pressure...
D.027 pipone Vertical surge tank with interchangeable rubber diaphragm... Conform to European standards PED 97/23/CE. Max pressure:...
D.037 pipone Multifunctional expansion vessel with interchangeable... Conform to european standards PED 97/523/ CE Max pressure...
D.024 pipone Expansion vessel with set rubber diaphragm for domestic... Conforms to european legislation PED 97/23/CE Max temp...
E.051 pipone CE approved round expansion vessel. Max. temp. -10 -90°C Conforms to european leg PED/97/23/CE - Max working...
E.052 pipone CE approved rectangular expansion vessel. Conforms to european leg.PED/97/23/CE - Working pressure...
E.056 pipone Wall-fixing bracket for expansion vessel E.050 (from 8... Made of galvanized steel with 2 screws & 2 dowels.
E.054 pipone Expansion vessel for closed installations on solar... Max temp. -10°C/+140°C Max temp 10 bar . Preset pressure...
E.057 pipone Expansion vessel supporting bracket and safety... Pre-mounted & ready to use, c/w. supporting bracket with...
E.050 pipone CE approved exoansion vessel.Temp max -10 - 99°C Conform to European Standards PED 97/23/CE - Factory-set...
D.025 pipone Hydrosphere for surge tanks with interchangeable rubber... Conforms to european legislation PED 97/23/CE Max temp...