T.071 pipone Built-in mechanical time clock with daily programme - Ø... Can be installed on to new boilers or as a replacement...
T.003 pipone Electronic room thermostat in elegant flat casing. ON/OFF... Temperature control range: 5°C ÷ 35°C. Power supply 230...
G.133 pipone Brass fitting M.F. thermometer holder or probe holder... Sheath type: length 30 mm. - internal Ø 9 mm.
T.002 pipone Digital electronic room thermostat with room temperature... Temperature range: 5° ÷ 35° C - Visual display range: 0°...
T.067 pipone Digital eletronic time switch with reserve charge panel... Daily and weekly programmes. Programme interval: 1...
C.056 pipone Anti-burn safety device in chrome-plated brass. 1/2" F x... Avoids the possibility of accidental burns due to very...
C.069 pipone Control kit for solar systems, complete of one diverter... Designed for solar thermal heating to divert fluid path...
G.069 pipone - Low temperature module applicable to manifolds, even in... Connection 1" With connections for high temperature ¾"
T.076 pipone Programmable mechanical time clock for modular frames... Dimensions: 54 x 88.5 mm. - Daily programming in sectors,...
H.500 pipone Brass solenoid valve (normally closed). Servo-assisted... Suitable to operate with air & water. Max. Temperature...
P.002 pipone Brass fitting with nylon check-valve insertion positioned... To ensure a single flow direction to prevent possible...
E.154 pipone Brass thermostatic mixer. 1" anti condensation for return... Automatically regulates the return temperature of solid...
T.501 pipone Room thermostat "Thesis Plus" electronic analogical for... Complete of electric cable - adjustable temp. 7°C - 32°...
C.053 pipone Thermostatic mixer for hot water distribution systems,... Control range 30° / 65°C. Flow rate lt/min. 3 bar: 42.
E.149 pipone Thermostatic mixing valve for underfloor heating systems. Chrome-plated sanded brass. Setting range: 30-65° C....
T.502 pipone Digital room cronothermostat "Musa plus" for control of... Complete of electric cable - adjustable temp: 7°C - 32°C...
C.060 pipone Threaded thermostatic mixer for centralized hot water... Bronze body. Max pressure 10 bar Minimum flow 34l/min...