E.032 pipone Pack of 5 brass hose connectors for safety valve discharge. 1/2 "M. Connection for hose nozzle diam. 12
E.206 pipone Double safety exhaust valve for multifuel biomass... Equipped with probe length 1300mm With dip tube 1/2"M...
E.042 pipone Safety group with 4 functions for boilers d. 3/4"M. - 3/4"F. Composed of : 1 safety valve set at 7 bar, 1 stop valve,...
E.043 pipone Safety valve with built-in check valve "KRATOS" for... Connections 1/2"M.F. - Intervention pressure 8 bar. In...
E.180 pipone Droogte controletoestel Ø 3/4" M. Om de temperatuur van water in vaste brandstofboilers te...
E.245 pipone Brass safety valve adjustable from 1 to 10 bar with... Discharge pressure: 3 bar. For IMMERGAS boilers.
E.248 pipone Safety valve with rapid conn. and o-ring diam 19.5 with... Ontladingsdruk: 3 bar. Voor ketels Immergas
E.423 pipone Kogelkraan, volle doorlaat, met warmte-gevoelig... Van zodra de temperatuur 96°C bereikt, stopt het ventiel...
E.201 pipone Thermal exhaust valve with manual recharge and visual... Calibration temperature 95°C pressure PN10 Cable length...
E.059 pipone Veiligheids- & controlegroep voor verwarmingsinstallaties... Gemaakt uit verzinkt stalen lichaam met 1" V. koppeling...
E.204 pipone Thermal exhaust valve with incorporated refill. When... Draining capacity: 2,000kg/h. Connections 3/4"M. Sensor...
E.033 pipone Combined temperature and pressure safety valve for safe... Suitable for sanitary water, vertical or horizontal...
B.120 pipone Verchroomde veiligheidsklep voor alle soorten gas - DIN... The safety hose can be connected only when there is no...
B.022 pipone Thermisch veiligheidsventiel voor gas TAS. Verb. M.V. - Een apparaat dat ingeval brand, een explosie...
E.057 pipone Ondersteuningsbeugel voor expansievat en... Voorgemonteerd & klaar voor gebruik, compleet met...
E.011 pipone Brass safety valve for solar systems with female inlet... Max. temp. 150°C Suitable also for water mixed with...
B.025 pipone Gasklep met veiligheidshendel en thermisch systeem.... Connection F.F. The safety handle "Push and turn" allows...
E.028 pipone Spare head for diaphragm safety valve. Ideal as a spare part for Ferroli wall boilers and other...