E.147 pipone 4 way thermostatic mixing valve, threaded and adjustable. Control range. 30-60°C Indicated for temp. reduction of...
T.130 pipone Thermostaataandrijver bestuurd vanop afstand met ballon.... Kan gemonteerd worden met Art. V.053 en V.054
E.142 pipone 4-Wegs kruisvormig mengventiel in gietijzer met flens.... For the connection counter flanges see models PN6 -UNI...
E.144 pipone 3-Wegs gietijzeren mengventiel met flens. For the connection counter flanges see models PN6 - UNI...
T.138 pipone 3-way valve with locking rod in stainless steel with 4 mm... Can be combined with thermostatic actuators art. T.130.70...
E.154 pipone Thermostatischer Mischer aus Messing aus 1” Antikondens... Reguliert automatisch die Rückkehrtemperatur des Kessels...
E.143 pipone Brass three way mixing valve with by-pass pump conn. 1... Connections: 1 1/2" F. sw. x 1 1/2"M. x 1" M. Motorized...
E.149 pipone Thermostatic mixing valve for underfloor heating systems. Körper aus gesandetem und verchromten Messing....
E.150 pipone Thermostatischer Mischer "L" in Messing für... Für Anwendungen bei denen die Zugangs-/ Ausgangsrohre...
E.614 pipone 4-Wegs kruisvormig mengventiel in gietijzer. Parallelle... Kan geïnstalleerd worden op boilerverbindingsstuk...
E.215 pipone Anti condensation thermostatic valve for biomass thermal... Capacity 3,2CV Max pressure 10 bar - Max temp 100°C...
E.220 pipone Preassembled anticondensation circulation group for heat... Model DN 25 for power upto 32 KW...
E.609 pipone Special "T" joint for condensation alignments for the... Terminal poles distance 90mm...
E.627 pipone Anticondensation preassembled module for heat generators... Complete of circulating pump energy class A "Modulex...